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Miss Olympics I am not!

The thing is... I’ve always been totally rubbish at anything even vaguely “sporty”. The simplest things my pals in primary school could do (skipping rope/running/jumping) were challenges I tried – and failed – to master. Annual sport events were a tragedy, with last place in the egg-and-spoon race the best I could offer, and even then minus the damn egg. Oh the will was there, certainly – but the legs just refused to pay attention and sluggishly did their own thing.

My sister was equally blessed, although I do recall her winning a sprint once – only problem was she’d started too soon so it didn’t count. She also failed to notice that she was the only one charging down the grass towards the ribbon. Which made it just a little sad, so my mother and I cheered ourselves hoarse when she triumphantly passed the finish line. Because that’s what you do for your loved ones.

By the time I’d passed the big old age of 27, I realised I needed to master something – anything – sporty. Just to show ‘the world’ that I was more than a shopaholic in high heels and could achieve perfect balance in something other than holding up a bar. Which led to many discussions with hubby-to-be. Because not only was I ready to launch myself into some new, physically challenging caper, I wanted him to do it with me. (I’d read somewhere it was good for couples to do things like that). Problem was, we couldn’t agree on what the something would be.

Weeks it took to make a decision, with neither of us liking any of the standard activities like tennis/squash etc. Eventually we settled on horse riding. I liked the sound of it. I even quite liked horses (in films anyway). I also liked the mental image of me galloping over the hills on a beautiful horse, my hair tossed by the wind… He was already very good at it, so I figured I could lean on him for manly support, and sob into his shoulder if it came to it. A win-win, you might say.

We chose a riding school that had a special program for beginners. This reassured me. Beginners wouldn’t have to ‘ride’ the damn horse, at least not for weeks – right? Wrong. Our first lesson consisted out of a grooming session (which I spent tentatively fingering the pretty horse’s shiny locks from as far back as I could, the brush I’d been given hanging loosely in my other hand) followed by a half hour in the indoor ring.

All very well except no one had let the horse in on the secret. Chomping quietly in his stall, he happily ignored my whispered efforts to guide him forwards, swishing his head at me every so often to remind me he was boss. After ten minutes hubby came to get him. The trainer looked at me witheringly, “you’re supposed to walk the horse yourself!” she barked. I smiled at her to show my good will, my stomach twitching with fear. It didn’t seem to help.

By the time I’d hoiked myself into the saddle, my new boots gleaming in the lights, the ground looked terrifyingly far away. Mustering all my courage I soldiered on, after all, this stuff was good for couples – right??! Minutes later, my bottom aching from repeated, off-beat collisions with the saddle as I tried (and failed) to do a proper ‘trot’, a horrid buzzing had begun in my left ear. I’d had enough. “I want to get off!!” I screeched, “No! You must try harder” the trainer yelled back.

“I have a fly in my ear!!” I shouted, as the horse began to dance in circles, my left leg now dangling loose from the stirrup, “let me off!!”.

“No!” she again yelled back (the biddy).

Glancing up into the observation room as we thundered by, I spotted my sister-in-law howling with laughter. An accomplished horsewoman herself, I guess it had been quite some time since she’d seen anyone cavort around the ring that way. We’ve laughed about it many times since. Later that evening my hero held his head in his hands, trying to figure out how a simple riding lesson had gone quite so amok. It wouldn’t surprise him now though, he’s too used to my ways.

But I guess ‘they’ were right after all – it did us some good anyway, ‘cos we can still giggle about it now.

I do still have the boots and yes, they’re still shiny.

Egg and spoon race
The best I could offer was last in the egg-and-spoon race, and then minus the egg!

18 thoughts on “Miss Olympics I am not!

  1. kom maar op…!
    wat schrijf je leuk…
    zoals je ook bent…
    gewoon LEUK

    give it to me…!
    your way of writing is beautifull…
    as you are BEAUTIFULL

    1. What a beautiful message, from a beautiful lady herself! Thx Hansje, “big smile on my face!”

  2. Sometimes shiny shoes are all that matter.!! Thanks for stopping by my blog too 🙂

  3. Geri, vividly described, there with U all the way, we have all tried hard to find the hobby in common, tried it myself in Ashtown riding school, disaster!!! So stirred up old memories for me.

    1. Really? That’s funny, I guess we both can seriously give horse riding a miss, for ever! 😄

  4. Ah but many people would love the riding experience though! I remember my first times as a kid and absolutely loved it 🙂

    1. true… and preferably minus the fly in the ear! 🙂

      1. ESPECIALLY that 😄😄

  5. A more sympathetic “ear” on the part of the trainer would have gone a long way. Someone should have put a fly in her ear. 😉

    1. Haha.., thank you! This is so true! There was not a gram of empathy and If there had been, who knows? Maybe I would now be masterful on horseback!! 🙂

      1. As a teacher and mentor, I’ve discovered that encouraging people to find their own way works better than forcing them along a prescribed path. 😉

        1. I could not agree more. Your students have been lucky to have you guiding them! Although I very much enjoy laughing at the situations I have (frequently) ended up in, mainly stemming from an over abundance of enthusiasm!

          1. Enthusiasm is the key! Help people find their enthusiasm, and anything is possible. 🙂

  6. Funny and to think I’m considering getting back on a horse next year. I haven’t been on one since I was a child but I loved it and want to see if its something I can enjoy as an adult. Hopefully, my try will go a bit better than yours. At least you have some fabulous boots out of it.

    1. Go for it! I am sure u will do very well. Some skills stay with you, just a little refresh is all you need. And I enjoy horses from afar since then 🙂

  7. As a mate of mine always said… if it doesn’t have a throttle then stay well away from it!! I don’t envy you your terror!! But you have my support… I’m not a fan of horses either!! o_O

    1. Haha… Yes I have left well enough alone in that area! “Meant for others!”.

  8. […] basically, I am rubbish at sports. Always was, no doubt always will be. My sad little attempt to master the art of horse-riding many moons ago left no […]

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