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A word, a city which until now has conjured up countless images of la tour Eiffel, the Champs Elysee. Fashion. Style. Romance. A hint of French arrogance, according to some. Winding streets, large open spaces, artists on pavements, delicious cafés au lait and melt-in-the-mouth, crumbly croissants au chocolat.

Right now you hear it and the first thing that comes to mind is the horrific attacks from just one week ago (really? Is it only one week?). Attacks on our civilised world, our freedom of movement and expression.

The thing is… Last weekend I chose, quite deliberately, to post a blog similar to earlier ones. I chose not to focus or even comment on Paris and the awfulness of it all. I wanted to continue doing ‘normal stuff’. I felt you, my readers, deserved that too. Because holding onto what we do, what we like, what makes us laugh and sometimes even cry especially in these strange, challenging days is in itself, a strength.

But today, it feels wrong to ignore it completely. It’s just too big. I’ve read many blogs this past week, listened to so many reports that my head still spins. A lot has been said. Wise words that I can’t begin to match but I thought, as there’s so much sadness going around, maybe I can offer you a different word to move us away from despair and fear. And back towards light, especially for those living in the City named after it.


  • I hope, that as we work to put these dreadful deeds behind us, that something good can and will emerge from them.
  • I hope that Europe’s leaders can truly come together at last and find a way of dealing with the situation. Right now.
  • I hope that we, the people of Europe, will reach out to each other. Build new bridges that bring us closer together, regardless of race, religion or background.
  • I hope people will know that these attacks are not a Muslim creed or way of living. They are the actions of one group of fanatics, who seek to destabilise the civilisation we have built over hundreds of years.
  • I hope we are all brave enough to withstand the lure of mistrusting others which some would have us succumb to.
  • I hope for lessons learnt from past mistakes to guide the way forward, not backward.
  • I hope we can soon learn to see and think of the city of Paris for what it still is – beautiful. Entrancing. Magical. Ours.

I hope.

Paris, the Eiffel tower and more
Artists on pavements, melt-in-the-mouth croissants

20 thoughts on “Paris.

  1. I did the same thing, decided not to comment. Well, I did just one post but then decided to leave it alone. Too emotionally upsetting and have had to distance myself from it (in writing anyway). Big sigh. These are very sad times. 🙁

    1. Yup. They are indeed. I just suddenly felt a need to try to say something… It didn’t feel right to start up a new, likely humourous piece. Next time!

  2. Beautiful post, sweetie! When the attacks happened in Paris, it felt like 9/11 all over again, so how could I or any other American ignore the too well-known pain that Paris and the rest of France were enduring? But us Americans learned, and I think Parisians are now discovering this, that the best revenge on those who have attacked us is to pick up the pieces, comfort the injured, rebuild, and move forward with grace, dignity and if at all possible, a sense of humor. To stay strong is the best revenge! You have made some wonderful hopes…and I hope too. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.

    1. Thanks Genie! 🙂 I just couldn’t bring myself to put up another cheery one, not right now. It’s too ‘present’, you know? and so dreadful for all those poor people and their families. I also have sympathy for the decent families of the perpetrators, their lives are equally ruined. Radicalisation is a scary, difficult phenomenon of the current times. I think it will take quite some time before a long-term solution is found, but if we all do what you describe, and respect and reach out to each other, it helps a lot. Thanks for the lovely comment!

      1. I hope you’re right that a long-term solution can be found. You’re right, it is horrible for people to lose loved ones for no understandable reason and the families of the attackers are left forever shaken up as well. But perhaps radicalization has been around and it’s not just a current problem. These attackers have perverted and twisted their religion to condone their actions. Wouldn’t that fit the Spanish Inquisition? Wouldn’t that describe the actions of the British over 600 centuries of murders and other unspeakable crimes against the Irish in their own country? And many other incidents in history of one “religious” group trying to take control over another group? And maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know. I just don’t get why humans have so many problems being peaceful and remaining so. War and attacks and conflicts should be rare but they’re not. Sorry Gerie for being such a downer today.

        1. ah no worries hon, it’s the mood from this strong focus on what’s gone on. We’re good! and live to fight another day, as they say. Or, preferably not. Just peaceful co-existence would be my preference but it seems a big ask, time after time. But, we live in hope, 🙂 because we have to.

          1. You’re right, we have to live in hope because without that, we will just shrivel up, roll over and let the radicalists and the terrorists win. And that is unacceptable 🙂

  3. I felt very much the same way when I finally posted my thoughts on the tragedy the week after it happened. And may all that hope you offered, become so.

        1. Just had a good old browse at ur latest pearls of wisdom. Haha… Fun! You will receive myriad ‘likes’ from moi. Keep u busy. 🙂

          1. Many thanks, Nirodaigh. Even now, I have a attic full of writers (me, myself, and I) slaving away on my next post. 😀

  4. I didn’t write any posts about the attacks myself. My blog mainly comprises humorous posts, but I’d be extremely pushed to find anything in the least funny to say about the horrible events in Paris. I agree with your sentiments, and especially the point about scapegoating all Muslims for the actions of a group of fanatics. We should point the finger only at those actually reponsible.

    1. Thanks, and yes, absolutely. Let’s not join the horrid games, but turn our back on them. I like one expression I have heard a lot, “we r many, more than them”. Will check out ur blog this weekend, I love humourous blogs! 🙂 Mine is some of that, here and there more serious posts. But I like to focus on funny stories, keeps me going haha!

      1. Funnily enough, I hadn’t actually heard that expression before, but I agree, it is a good one. I also agree about funny stories. Where would we be without them? 🙂

  5. Yes… let’s hope. Let’s let that hope reach out to others but also lets be decisive in dealing with the root cause!

    To be honest… I had the vision of you clip-clopping in high heals across Ha’penny Bridge when I clicked into your blog. After the comment you left over at one of my posts. Let’s hope that sense can prevail and that the results of the atrocities doesn’t dim our fun outlook on life! 😉

    1. Haha, well let’s agree to not let it! 🙂 and ur perception is amusing, and pretty accurate, I have toddled across that bridge many times, in anything but sensible shoes!

      1. I can just picture it!! FUN!! o_O

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